Stress Awareness : Sleep & Stress

April 16th is Stress Awareness Day! Stress can effect an individual on so many different levels. Take this time to reflect on the stressors in your life and what you can do to manage them. One way to help keep stress under control is SLEEP! According to The National Sleep Foundation “If you don’t sleep enough at night, your body boosts its levels of stress hormones”. Only furthering the cycle of stress leading to poor sleep and then poor sleep leading to stress or anxiety. Resources:                     National Sleep Foundation Anxiety and Depression …

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Headaches Can Be Sleep Related

June is Headache Awareness Month. Frequently waking up with a headache is a sign of a potential sleep disorder. However, treatment can reduce of even eliminate sleep-related headaches! Did you know: Half of all migraines occur between 4am – 9am 50% of people who wake up with a headache might have Sleep Apnea Talk to Us or your medical professional today about your sleep! According to O’Brien SM. Managing headaches in patients with sleep disorders. Clinical Advisor. 2017 Feb 09. Rains J. Sleep Disorders and Headaches. American Migraine Foundation. 16 Dec 2016.

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Sleep Disorders and Depression

Normal sleep is a restorative state. However, when sleep is disrupted or inadequate, it can lead to increased fatigue, anxiety, and irritability. Stop The Cycle! – Talk today to your medical professional about your sleep! Many people have experienced a restless night’s sleep. An occasional night of tossing and turning for a few hours is an experience we can all relate to. Unfortunately for some people a good night’s sleep is more the expectation than the rule, and a restless night’s sleep becomes so common that it becomes the expected outcome. Those individuals who experience an occasional restless night often point …

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